Meeting nő 61

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Regional Statistics is written for those who wish to examine and understand reality primarily from a regional aspect. The periodical contains theoretical and methodological as well as analytical papers in the field of regional analysis. Papers in the bimonthly published on the last day of odd months are written by renowned professionals in regional statistics, regional development policy, regional research, economic and social geography, urban studies, as well as regional and settlement development planning.

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The journal welcomes studies, research and conference reports, book reviews, and discussion articles commenting on our former articles. The akar flörtölni velem aims at becoming one of the main sources of regional analyses, and especially disseminating authentic data on Hungary and its regional trends to the international general public.

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In the rapidly changing digital sphere CEEOL is a reliable source of adjusting expertise trusted by scholars, publishers and librarians. CEEOL provides scholars, meeting nő 61 and students with access to a wide range of academic content in a constantly growing, dynamic repository.

Heuvelink, and Joop Okx Since the establishment of Digital Soil Mapping DSM as a research field, the main focus has been on implementing new methods to improve the predictive performance of soil maps.

CEEOL offers various services to subscribing institutions and their patrons to make access to its content as easy as possible. Furthermore, CEEOL allows publishers to reach new audiences and promote the scientific achievements of the Eastern European scientific community to a broader readership. Un-affiliated scholars have the possibility to access the repository by creating their personal user account Contact Us Central and Eastern European Online Library GmbH Basaltstrasse 9.

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